This policy governs the treatment of all Personal Information received by the Unique Origin Foundation (UOF) from donors, whether it is obtained online (through all UOF controlled websites) or offline, including any electronic, written, or oral communications.

Rest assured that we do not engage in the sale or trade of our donors' Personal Information with any other entity, and we do not send mailings to our donors on behalf of other organizations.

When it comes to collecting and processing Personal Information, we adhere to lawful bases, ensuring that your privacy rights and freedoms are protected. We only share Personal Information with trusted third parties to provide you with a practical user experience and to comply with applicable laws (see Privacy Policy, Section 2 Use of Information).

To better serve our donors, we may utilize data analysis to interpret your information and assess your likelihood of being interested in or responsive to specific campaigns or fundraising communications. If we identify the potential for greater support in UOF 's efforts, we might gather additional publicly available information about you and create a donor profile to personalize our engagement with you based on your supporter interests. We gather insight from public information resources and data shared publicly on your social media channels to understand your philanthropic interests and capacity to support us. Additionally, we may collaborate with trusted third-party companies to analyze available data, providing us with valuable information about your interests and potential engagement or donation level.

Any donations processed through a third-party service provider will use donors' information solely for donation processing purposes. Rest assured, when you submit credit card information online, it is encrypted using Secure Socket Layer (SSL) technology. A secured and PCI DSS compliant gateway provider handles all credit card transactions, ensuring that your sensitive data is not stored or processed on our servers.

For further details on UOF 's commitment to safeguarding the privacy of website visitors, users, and online and offline donors, please refer to our Privacy policy.